Sunday, December 20, 2009

24 INCHES!!!!!!!!!

On Sunday, December 20, 2009 it finally stopped snowing and the sun came out!!! And boy was I excited to finally get outside after being stuck in the house!! After all was said and done we got a total of 24 INCHES OF SNOW!!! Mommy, daddy and I all went outside to play in all that snow!! Here are some pictures and a couple videos of our fun in the snow!

I'm ready!!

Watch this!!! Man was this fun!!!

After we came in and got all warmed up, I took a nap while mommy wrapped gifts. Then Jason, Jen, and Kylie came over to hang out.

Me snooping through the gifts that mommy wrapped, after Jen, Jason and Kylie left.
Then it was bath time!
Me brushing my teeth.
I was trying to run from mommy because she was trying to get me dressed!

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