Sunday, December 20, 2009


On Friday, December 19, 2009, the weather people were calling for some snow. I bet no one thought it was gonna snow like it did though!!! It started snowing Friday evening around 7:00 pm. When we got up Saturday morning this is what it looked like...And it just snowed and snowed and snowed!!! So I stayed inside and watched Mickey Mouse Club House. Here's me watching/dancing to the Micky Mouse Hot Dog song. I LOVE THIS SONG!

After Mickey Mouse, mommy and daddy stayed inside and played with me all day long because we were snowed in! We looked outside at about 8:00 pm and this is what we saw.. It just kept snowing....
and snowing...
and snowing!!!!
Look how deep it is already!!
When daddy went to take the trash out......this is what he saw!!!! Man I couldn't wait to play in all this snow when it finally stopped snowing!

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