Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas town

On December 21, 2009, me, mommy, daddy, Grammy, Grampy, Aunt Britt, Hayley, Aunt Cathi, her sister Kimmy, Kimmy's son Tyler, Ann, and Pete all drove to Bush Gardens to see Christmas town. And guess who drove all the way up from Mississippi?!?! AUNT TT, UNCLE LLOYDIE, RILEY AND KAMA!! We all were sooo happy to see them! And man did we all have fun although it was FREEZING!!!! Here are some pictures from that fun, cold night! Aunt Britt and I on the way.

The big horsey!!
I fell asleep for 30 minutes!! I had to take a cat nap so I could stay up late.
I'm awake again! BIG Christmas tree!

Blue tree

Heading to the penguin

Real live penguins!!!

Riley being goofy!!! The whole group! (but Grammy and Grampy)

Man that was fun and sure was beautiful!! We all were tired so about 10:00 we headed home. Thank you Grammy and Grampy for that wonderful treat!

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