Tuesday, January 12, 2010


On December 24, 2009 (Christmas eve) mommy, daddy, and I went over to Grammy, Grampy and Aunt Britts for Christmas eve dinner with Aunt TT, Uncle Lloydie, Riley, Kama, Uncle JoJo, Aunt Cathi and Hayley. After dinner we palyed in the game room until it was time to go to bed for Santa to come. When we got up Christmas morning there were gifts EVERYWHERE!! Here are some pictures from Christmas.

Man did we all get ALOT of stuff!!! After we got done opening gifts at Grammy's, mommy, daddy and I went to MiMi and Poohpa's house. There we met Uncle David and Aunt Sarah. Here are some pictures of our Christmas there. Me and Aunt Sarah
All of our gifts there!!
MiMi's turn to open!
Me and Poohpa opening gifts.

After we got done opening all our gifts, we got the house all cleaned up and waited for Aunt Paula, Annemarie, Robbie, Uncle Augie, Aunt Teresa, Jen, Will and Russ to get there. Once everyone got there we ate some appetizers (I took a nap) and then opened some more gifts. Here are some more pictures.

PASSED OUT from all that hard work!
Daddy and Poppa

Uncle David, Mommy and Annemarie being silly.

After we got done with all the presents it was time to eat Christmas dinner.

Then play time!!!!!!

Me and Emmit sharing some yogurt bites.
Nana giving me a bottle for night night time.

Russ being silly!
Uncle David playing DJ Hero.
Max jumped on Aunt PP while she was asleep.
Man did I have a BLAST this Christmas!! I love seeing and playing with the whole family on both mommy and daddy's side!! Nothing could be better!!

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