Monday, September 21, 2009

Charles County Fair /Game Room

Daddy, mommy and I woke up early to go to the county fair on Saturday, September 19, 2009. This was the first time I had ever been. It was really fun!

This was right before mommy and daddy put me in the baby contest. I was all smiles until I got to the judges table, then I froze!!! I acted so shy and I didn't do anything for the judges!
I didn't win but I got this cool ribbon!
But that's okay! Mommy, daddy, and I know I'm the BEST!!
I saw my friend Chase there!
We played so good together!!
Aren't we just the CUTEST!!!

I also saw my friends: Audrey, Carter, Adriana, Brooklyn, Brandon, Julian.

After we left the fair, we went to Grammy and Grampy Kenny's house to play in the game room.

Here's daddy and I playing Skee Ball

There's mommy and I playing now!
We got 40!!
MAN!! Almost 100!!!
Time to drive!!
I WIN!!!
Now mommy and I are racing together.
GO GO GO!!!!
"Why can't I get to it!?!"
Man was that a fun day!!! Nothing but fun and games!! Thank you daddy and mommy for that awesome day!!

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