Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Trip to Richmond

The weekend of April 24, 2010 mommy, daddy and I all went to Aunt Paula's house to see RiRi play basketball and Robbie play baseball and hang out.

Here's RiRis first game

Aunt PP taking me to shoot some hoops during half time!

Me playing with the other kids and Aunt PP.

Then we were on our way to watch Robbie's game.
Robbie playing catcher.
Robbie batting

Robbie pitching
Then we got ready to go back to RiRi's other game. So RiRi put her game face on!!

Man was this fun!!
When we came back to Aunt PP's house we all took a nap!
Silly daddy fell asleep on Spike!!
I had such a blast that weekend! I can't wait until I get big so I can play sports just like my cousins!!!

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