Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Carter's 2nd B-Day Party

On Sunday, May 23, 2010 mommy, daddy, Aunt Britt and I all headed down to Carter's house for his birthday party! There was alot of people there and man did we have fun!!!

Me and Carter plotting. We wanted to go out side and we though we could do it by ourselves!! (we thought no one was looking!) Carter is unlocking the door..

"It's unlocked now let gooo!!"
We did it!!!
Adriana trying to tie Carter's shoe.
Me playing Tee-Ball and Kenzie & Aunt BB watching.
Adriana and Mrs. Deb walking back to the house.
Adriana and her mommy Ashley.
Alyssa riding Carter's tractor.
Me and Adriana in the mud puddle.

Cake time!
Mrs. Denise (Carter's Grammy) made the cakes!) Carter's 2 candle sparkler
Singing "Happy Birthday".
Carter trying to blow out the sparkler.
Carter and his Grammy.
Adriana eating the cake with her mommy and Ryan.

Me drinking my juice.
Carter and his mommy opening gifts.
That's the gift I got him! The red motorcycle!!!

I stole Carter's car and mommy caught me!!
Me and Adriana.
On our way home look what we saw!!! A little baby deer!!!
It was soo cute and small!!

I had soooo much fun at Carter's birthday party!!! I LOVE it when we all get together and play! We always have so much fun and I can't wait until we do it again!! HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY CARTER!!!

Family Fun Day!

On May 22, 2010 I went to Marbury Church for family fun day with mommy, daddy, and Aunt Britt. There was soo much to do there! All kinds of games, pony rides (which I did NOT like!!), and even a petting zoo!!
When we first got there we got to see my cousin baby Kolten! I hadn't seen him since my first birthday! So it was good to see him!!

Then we went over to where the "petting zoo" was. They has some bunnies and a little baby piggy in this one...

This one was a calf...
This one was a goat.
Me and Aunt BB petting them.

That goat was silly!!
The baby piggy kept trying to snuggle with the Bunnie it was funny!
Me and Daddy
That was when Daddy and Aunt BB tried to put me on the pony...
...and i wasn't having that!!
So I went over to play some games with Aunt BB and Taylor.

All of us playing the ball game.


"Here mommy your turn!!"
Right after we started playing more games it started pouring down raining (plus it was time for me to take a nap anyways) so we all went home. That was a FUN day!! Too bad it had to end so short from the rain!