Monday, October 26, 2009


On top of me being sick guess what, I have more teeth!!! On October 23, 2009 mommy saw that I had 2 more teeth that just cut through!! That means I have 6 teeth now!!!

They are the upper right and upper left lateral incisor.

I'm sick! :(

On October 23, 2009, mommy and daddy took me to the doctors because I wasn't feeling well! The doctor checked me out, listened to my chest and put a q-tips thingy down my throat (I didn't like that part! And I thought those things went in your ears, but she's the doc!!!) When she came back into the room she said I had strep throat. And she wanted me to get a chest x-ray on Monday. She gave mommy my meds and we headed out!
And this is what I did most of the weekend!

Bath time!!!

I love bath time!! Here are some pictures of me in the bath!!
Look what mommy did to my hair!! She's silly!!!


Look what mommy and daddy got for me!!!!! I am liking this halloween thing!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Look who's walking!

Look at me go!!!! On October 20, 2009 I began to walk all by myself!!!

Me being silly!! And saying Bye Bye!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Silly Tuesday

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Daddy and I were being silly (what else is new huh?)!! And we got some of it on camera. Here are some pictures of us. That's my monkey face!
Daddy doing monkey face. He's silly!!
Now together MONKEY FACE!!!!

CHEESE!!!! CHEESE...take 2

Me eating my sock!!

Wedding/Lobster Feast

On Saturday, September 26, 2009; daddy, mommy, and I went to my daddy's cousin Ryan's wedding. It was very pretty! This was the first wedding I had ever been to. Here are some pictures from that wonderful day. In the front is daddy's cousin Davie (Ryan's brother) and his mom (daddy's aunt) Aunt Mary.
The groom! Daddy's cousin Ryan.
Cousin Kelly. (Ryan and Davie's sister)
The bride Mindy and her mom.

Now Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Millar.
Me and Aunt Cathi being silly!
Me and Aunt Mary dancing! Uncle Kenny and Aunt Julie in the back.

After the wedding daddy, mommy, and I drove to MiMi and Poohpa's house. Uncle David and Aunt Sarah were there too. Here are some pictures of that evening. "Look what I got!!"
Me being crazy and screaming!
Then daddy passed out (sitting up) with Klevo!!

When we got up the next morning everyone got (football) ready and as soon as Nana and Poppa got there we headed to the lobster feast at the Charles County Fair Grounds. Me and the newest Cowboys fan!!! BOOOOO
" Now that's better momma!!"
Me and mommy playing the piano while everyone else is getting ready.
Me and once again.....another Cowboys fan!!
Me riding my music truck.
Family picture in our redskins gear!!!
MiMi and me!
My lobster cookie!!!
Awwwwwwwww Poohpa is drinking Coke not Pepsi!!!!

"Poohpa I wanna go over there and watch the skins game!!!"

Me playing with MiMi and Poohpa.
" MAN!!!!!!!!! The redskins lost.... Stop laughing Poohpa!! It's not funny!!!!!"

Even though (once again) the redskins let us down we all still had a good day!!